Summer weddings are incredibly popular, but there are a lot of things that must be taken into consideration during the planning phases of your summer wedding. To ensure that you remember some of the most important things, here are a few things you should know as you plan your summer wedding ceremony.

Make Sure You Offer Relief From the Heat

Regardless of how much you may enjoy the sun, you need to give consideration to your guests who may not love the heat as much as you and your significant other. Make sure that there is a shaded area and air conditioning. If it is going to be very hot on the day of the ceremony, you could consider offering commemorative ice-cold hand towels and decorative baskets of ice-cold water bottles.

Don't Forget to Send Out Save-the-Dates

Due to the fact that a lot of people vacation during the summertime, you will want to make sure that you send out save-the-dates in plenty of time so that people, especially families, can plan their summer vacations around your wedding if they plan on attending.

Consider Serving a Lighter Meal

The heat and heavy food simply do not mix well. Therefore, you will want to opt for a seasonal menu so that no one feels sick as they are celebrating your special day. Opt for grilled foods and fresh produce. For dessert, consider tarts and fruit pies. You may even want to think about frozen cocktails instead of heavier options that may not sit well with food during the heat.

Avoid Scheduling Your Ceremony Mid-Day

During the middle of the day, the sun will be at its highest and strongest. Because of this, no one is going to be ready to enjoy a wedding or party. Therefore, you will want to schedule your ceremony late in the afternoon or early in the evening. This will ensure that the sun isn't beating down on you, causing everyone to feel as if they are dying of a heatstroke, and it will ensure that the photographs have the perfect lighting.

Wear Breathable Attire

Everyone should feel comfortable, confident, and cool. For brides, choose a wedding gown made of a lightweight fabric like silk. If you want to veer from the traditional path, consider opting for a shorter skirt. Alternatively, you could always just change out of your wedding gown and into a cocktail dress for the reception. For grooms, opt for a lighter-toned suit or a suit made from linen to help you breathe a bit better.

For more wedding planning tips, contact a wedding planner.
