You did it. You went to Vegas and got married. Now you're living proof that what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas. There's just one small catch. How do you tell your family and friends – who were anxiously awaiting the big wedding you were planning? Don't panic. Take a look at these creative ways to share your exciting news.

Throw a Party

If you told your family and friends that you were going away for a short vacation, they may be looking forward to seeing pictures and videos. You don't have to disappoint them. Throw a get-together to share your vacation memories.

Once all the guests have arrived, sit them down and share your wedding video with them. Be sure to have a bottle of bubbly chilling in the refrigerator so you can share a toast once the congratulations start coming in.

Wait For them to Notice

If you don't feel like saying anything, just sit back and wait for everyone to notice on their own. Wear your wedding rings and start displaying photographs of your big day. You'll be able to catch the surprised reactions of all your friends and family on an individual basis. Be sure to keep your phone or camera ready so you can capture their surprised looks.

Go Ahead With Your Plans

If stress was taking the fun out of wedding planning, cancel the wedding portion and just plan the reception. Just because you got married in Vegas doesn't mean you can't have a big reception afterwards. Plan your reception the way you wanted it and relax knowing that the most important part is already done – the wedding ceremony. Remind your guests that gifts are still appreciated.

Take to the Net

If you don't really want to face everyone when you get back from Vegas, go ahead and take to the net. Use social media to your advantage. Post a few pictures or just simply announce "Hey, we got married over the weekend." Be prepared for a few negative comments from people who were expecting an invite. Just remember, the positive comments will probably outweigh the negative ones.

It's your big day, so enjoy it. You got the wedding you always wanted and Elvis performed the ceremony. Enjoy your memories now and worry about telling your friends and family later. The ideas listed above will make it easier to say "We got married!" when your wedding took place somewhere like A Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas.
